Functional behavior assessment Template

Functional behavior assessment template is a sample document that shows the process and methods of identifying the behavior issues for the target person. A well drafted functional behavior assessment sample can help schools and institutions to understand the problem and the methods to correct the problem.


Functional Behavior Assessment Overview

Functional behavior assessment can be conducted through indirect methods such as interviews etc. Indirect assessment relies heavily upon the use of structured interviews with students, teachers, and other adults who have direct responsibility for the students concerned. The questions raised in the interview should be carefully prepared in advance to yield all needed information.

Functional behavior assessment can be conducted through direct methods. Direct assessment involves observing and recording situational factors surrounding a problem behavior. An evaluator may observe the behavior in the setting that it is likely to occur, and record data appropriate approach. There are various methods to do the observation and date analysis, however, It is important to know that observations that occur consistently across time and situations, and that reflect both quantitative and qualitative measures of the behavior in question, are recommended.

Functional behavior Assessment Template

There are free assessment template you can download for reference, however, you may choose to develop your own personal sample to suit your own needs using commonly available software such as Word or Excel. During the development process, it is important to consider the functional behavior assessment format, functional behavior assessment layout and functional behavior assessment layout in functional behavior assessment form.

The first key part in functional assessment behavior assessment template is background information. In the section, you need to describe the background information for the target person. For example, the Student Name:___, Student Age:___; The School:___ etc.

The second key part in functional assessment behavior assessment format is the behavior information. In the section, you need to give the details of the behavior and its settings. For example, Behavior Description:___; The Setting in Which behavior occurs:___; Previous behavior:__; Duration:___ etc.

The third key part in function assessment behavior assessment form is the function of the behavior. In the part, you need to describe the functions that the behavior impact and intervention plan. For example, The family issue:___; The communication issue:___; The intervention plan:___.